

Please visit our TRAINING page for more details.

CFA 10th Anniversary Children's Musical 2024
June 22, 2024 at Gateway Theatre
Get your
tickets online today!

Please contact 604-808-0680 or for tickets.

“John K.S. Ng 吳嘉誠 & CFA” Bursary Program

Planting the righteous values and building the confidence in the joyful setting through performing arts has always been the vision of CFA. CFA is very fortunate to come across many sponsors and partners who share the same vision to invest into our next generation. This year, we have a very special partner, Mr. John K.S. Ng, who has a huge warm heart for the community and always wants to give back directly. John is a very successful realtor who co-founded Jovi Realty Inc. and 1NE Collective Realty Inc. He would divert his time and resources to help others to grow, just because he knows how important it is to have a helping hand when needed. When John learns about CFA's vision and values, everything falls into place quickly and we put together the "John Ka Shing Ng & CFA Bursary" where the award recipient only needs to pay 10% (25% if Intensive Program) of tuition upfront and the remaining 90% (75% if Intensive Program) will be sponsored by Mr. John K.S. Ng and CFA. Being confident and being able to express oneself is extremely important to children and this opportunity to glow should not be deterred by financial hard times. Any families who need the financial support to put their children in performing arts program are welcome to apply.

The intent of this bursary is to support kids who are truly passionate about performing arts but cannot afford to take classes. Our bursary committee will then go over all applicants’ family most recent financial documents that support their case, we will then conduct an in-person interview during home visit in September-October for eligible candidates. After discussion, our bursary committee will decide on the best candidate to receive the bursary.

Application deadline is October 19, 2023 for Fall Term registration.

Please contact for application details.


CFA is more than just a performing arts academy. We believe in and expect beautiful transformations in children and their families. CFA is also a place to equip people (staff and volunteers) who are passionate in performing arts and to empower them to pursue their fullest potential and destiny.

Performing Arts itself is already well-known to have a strong influence in children's development and here are some great testimonies that we have came across at CFA:


During our first musical, there was a boy who came to audition. Not only he did not want to answer any of our questions during the interview, he was kicking his feet the entire time. In the beginning of training, he would be sitting out by himself, not willing to participate. By the end of the term, not only he was fully engaged in all the rehearsals and performances, he used his utmost effort to ensure he was doing his very best and even took initiatives to ensure everything was in place.



At CFA, we ask our students to tell us which acting role they would like to take on, because we strongly encourage our students to dream big and to believe in themselves. There was a girl who was unresponsive after I asked her to lift up her left hand and then her right; however, she was very brave to tell me that she wanted the main female role. And of course, the opportunity was given to her despite all uncertainties. By the end of the term, she was full of confidence and she could already figure out many things on her own without needing to be told. We were later told by her mother that her daughter's piano instructor also noticed a huge improvement in her piano coordination. 



There was a three years old girl who attended our early childhood development program. Her mom told us when her daughter attended regular daycare, her daughter would cry so bad to a point where she would throw up. It was not a surprise when that happened at CFA in the beginning of the term. By the end of the term, not only did she not throw up or cry anymore, she was actually enjoying and smiling in class and could even perform very steadily on stage.


Not until after our first musical production did we realize the huge difference between existing students and new students, every new term reconfirms this finding. Students who have been trained at CFA are obviously more disciplined, mature, responsible, and logical than when they just first started to attend CFA. We intensively cover logical reasoning during our training, which helps our students to quickly analyze on their own what is good/bad, what attitude they should have, what actions they need to take immediately, and how to solve problems.


The CFA journey is not an easy journey, yet it provides the perfect opportunity to build strong relationships. Many CFA parents and audience have been very touched by how well CFA students take care of each other. Many CFA parents and families have built strong friendships with each other at CFA as well. Many CFA members (students/parents/staff/volunteers) would take initiative to show care and support for each other, making the CFA family a strong, loving, and supportive community.

We look forward to many more opportunities to witness more transformations (big/small) children and their families at CFA!

During COVID-19:

We keep classroom doors and window opened, turn on A/C,

turn on HEPA filter, take temperature before class,

require all students to wear masks, try to keep distance in large studio,

wash hands during breaks, and stay home if sick or recovering.

“TWIST OF FAITH - lights, cameras… disaster?!”
the children’s short film 2021

Message of Film: Coming out of comfort zone

Title Sponsor: Patsy Hui of REMAX Westcoast

click on below artwork to view film on YouTube


A hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in the bank... but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child.
— Forest Witcraft


PASSION to love  

JOY to live

DREAM to hope

FAITH to believe